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Volunteers - MILAN RAI

July 25, 2021


Students of social science, environmental science, public health, and multimedia are engaged in various project activities accompanied by research and fieldwork. We do the case studies of the implemented projects and collect feedbacks to evaluate the impact in the target communities.
We conduct our discussion on open ground. The volunteers worked at the park development site to replace the turf lawns with native grasses. We sourced local grasses from vacant private land in Manbhawan. So we all walked there with wheelbarrows and gardening tools to bring those wild grasses, pollinator-friendly, and nitrogen-fixing plants. The volunteers planted them with a wise gardener who guided us through the planting method. Later we also added hedges for natural fencing.
The volunteers picked litter, plastics, and broken glass pieces. Curtailing waste and changing our habits, lifestyle, choices make a difference. By advocating and taking initiation we can connect people with nature to advance ecological and social welfare. We all can play our roles in reducing the impact on the natural world.
We are expanding our activities and organizational capacities to play an active role in the case studies whilst bringing valuable expertise into the ecosystem.


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