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Cycle Lane - MILAN RAI
Cycle Lane

August 25, 2019

We cleaared unwanted weeds contributed our pocket money and built a model cycle lane under a tree shades to show the authorities that we can build a green corridor without cutting all the trees in ringroad. We also invited Mr Tiwari, in charge of road expansion and locals on the inauguration of our cycle lane and asked them to share their views. Aa a concerned citizens we were demanding sustainable , people centric development. Some ignorant groups mistreated us by calling us anti-development.

Alongside the Nepal cycle society has ben working really hard to promote bicycle culture in our city. Recently we cyclists.  activists , transport engineer, architect, urban planner met with the Mayor and discussed on the importance of integrating bicycle lanes into transportation network system. The mayor said we need a law that gives rights to the cyclist. He loves to cycle but fear the safety.Therefore, safe and extensive bicycle routes should be introduced  that gives rights to the cyclist, making safer journey for everyones. 
Mayor is positive about this initiative there he has allocated 25 million Nepalese Rupees at the starting phase . The cycle society team will conduct a research study for Master Plan and build one  km model cycle lane this year. Next year the budget may increase to 150 Million rupees  to make a cycle friendly city depending on the result . 

I am integrating cycle stands on various parks that we are creating. 

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