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March To Road Department - MILAN RAI
March To Road Department

August 25, 2019

On the spring of 2013 , Tweleve hundred trees were marked to be cut down mercilessly for the road expansion.I made a statement on Facebook notifying that I will be placing white butterflies on to pay tribute to these trees. More and more people were inspired to join me, until hundreds joined force, creating, what the young students called, “The White Butterfly Movement” 

We spread butterflies and protested outside road department.This action continued to grow. As a result, the government officials eventually invited us to the table, allowing us to voice our concerns. After many campaigns, we were able to able to have meetings with the representatives of the Nepali government and Chinese Embassy, who were sponsoring the road widening project. Through re-modification we saved 25% of the trees that were marked to be cut.

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