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Collective - MILAN RAI


Forming users commitee

While designing the new parks, I interviewed the public and locals within a radius about the surrounding contexts, local history, cultural specificity, etc. I asked them about this public space that has been unmanaged and locked for a long time. Many public spaces have lost all sense of open space and have been damaged environmentally, […]

Conceptual Planning

What role should professional designers play in local placemaking processes? The process should never start with a designer’s drawings proposing changes to space. That is typically a consultation, which is usually a one-off event presented as the design’s ‘participation element’ that ends when a designer is satisfied with the feedback received. What is more useful […]

Community clean up

At first, it seemed difficult to reclaim this public land that was gripped for vested interest. We had to rise above the inertia and create a community centred place that’s beneficial for all. It was critical to break a cycle of helplessness especially in a society where the hope is dim.  People can lose that […]

Igniting community spirit

When the city authorities failed to address the needs of the community, We called this meeting to find mutual support and solutions.  It was necessary for artists, environment lawyers, urban planners, botanists, architects, engineers, businessmen, and active community to come together imagining new possibilities and with a set of skills to build them. I saw [...]

Community park in Sanepa

Status: Completed  SITE CLEARANCE After nine months of a prolonged hindrance, interferences we were able to preserve this land and pull the public fund into this community park “green initiative”. Finally, the project was aligned with the community’s needs. Prof Anne Feenstra, Laureate global award for sustainable architecture 2012( Paris ) along with his team […]


There is a traditional platform under a tree where elderlies regularly meet to share their stories and their lives stories and sing bhajans (devotional songs) together. I spent a great time interacting with them and learning from their experiences. Especially, I found a spiritual conversation with one of the elderly men in this circle was […]