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Pomegranate - MILAN RAI

September 2, 2020

This  environmental artwork weaves traditional wisdom and creativity to preserve the land and inspires reverence for the lands we occupy. Affordable and Sustainable architectural design  and the use of local materials and resources is encouraged. 

Truckloads of top soil will be transported to the landscape to form a sphere rising from the ground level. This will turn the central portion of the park into a mound that represents a womb, suggesting fertility, renewal and rebirth. After shaping the womb, a pit will be cut deep into the ‘abdomen’ to give the impression of a navel, the ‘seat of the soul’. The visitors will be allowed to enter a space within the naval – a space for meditation and reflection. A large number of pomegranate trees mixed up with other intermediate trees will be planted.

Why pomegranate? Bonding: Beneath the skin of the fruit one finds hundreds of tiny scarlet seeds bonding together, evoking a sense of integration and community. Fertility/renewal: Pomegranate is frequently associated with fertility and rejuvenation. It also carries a deep spiritual significance. In ancient times, certain cultures identified it with the menstrual blood of an underworld goddess of fertility. Health: One of the healthiest and tastiest fruits one could consume with many anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties. The plant can easily thrive in Kathmandu’s climate but is very rarely seen in public spaces. Around the time of its fruition, the trees (and the womb) will start glowing with natural colors, textures and aroma. The womb can now can be visualized as a red stroke’s on a lush canvas.  This work of art transforms itself from season-wise. Documenting the changes will be an intrinsic part of the work for me. Native trees, will be planted on the ground level which will serve as an escape from the concrete jungle.

In the absence of studio walls, the art work will be exposed to the elements: the sun, wind rain and thunder. One could say, the work will be in alignment with the heavens while rooted deep into the earth. A multi-sensory experience: There are very limited ways to appreciate a conventional piece of painting. The most common way is visual appreciation. Here, the ‘painting’ can be experienced and internalized. It will involve all the senses. One can walk and run through it, take shelter under a tree, smell the aroma, listen to the ambience, feel the textures, and taste the fruits. A space for nature’s own ‘performance art’: The planted trees will start performing on their own in due course. The life of the individual trees, the people who soak in the ambience of the park, the role that they play in nurturing it and their relatively short lifespan will all be a part of the ‘performance ‘A tree is performing as well. It starts from a seed or from saplings regardless of the starting phase. It can be visualized as a series of multi-movement performance that is played out over geological time.

 It is  likely cultivate interest and dialogues between artists, farmers, and the community on the subject. A shift in perspective: The park will help shift the general perception of art: from ‘commercial’ pieces of commodities limited within the exhibition walls to a public-welfare effort accessible to all. Rather than just looking at the works, viewers are given the chance to step into them, framing a new way of seeing their surroundings and perceiving their immediate position. It creates a narrative for participation, rather than spectatorship ,physical and mental well-being and a deeper bond with nature:

The communities will share the work from the start to completion of the park. In due course, they are likely to build greater affinity with nature. This park with art at its centre will likely improve cognitive function, increase positive emotions, and promote introspection and self-discovery in those who visit. Being in green spaces can help individuals recover from mental fatigue better than other environments. Contact with nature is thought to play a crucial role in the cognitive development of children. This space will provide them a unique exploration ground for small doses of risk taking, discovery, and creativity. Outdoor learning is likely to make children, previously confined to their homes, schools and concrete spaces, happier and more motivated to learn. A habitat for birds, bees, insects and small animals, A natural sink for many kinds of air pollutants, ground water recharge and Improved soil quality

Open-minded, sensitive and reform-oriented people will be employed irrespective of gender or social/economic class. Moreover, the park’s magnetism will be an enormous womb covered with pomegranate trees, symbolizing the beautiful, strong and delicate feminine energy of birth and rejuvenation.  The main target groups for this project are the direct beneficiaries: the community people visitors, the policymakers, metropolitan city and its divisions, schools, colleges, non-profit organizations.

I will form a team of  architects, permaculture practitioners, educators, soil scientist, and  passionate people  who can bring new skills, knowledge and experience to the project.

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