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Green Spaces - MILAN RAI


I undertook one of the most disputed, politicized, and challenging interventions in Lalitpur city.This land had been ill-handled, exploited for 40 years. The layers of social conflicts, age-old inertia, unresolved issues, power dynamics, urban politics, and vested...
Green spaces

Green spaces

Green spaces  Status : Near Completion This parcel of land was a park made almost 15 years ago. It did not do well due to short-term planning, many other public spaces have failed like this. The basic infrastructure is dented in the park; the locals don’t feel...
The Network of Green Spaces

The Network of Green Spaces

Creating network of green spaces in Lalitpur city. Status : Ongoing PREPARING FOR URBAN GREENING The project rejuvenates the site previously occupied by a vegetable mart. The detrimental outcomes of urbanization have overstressed and interrupted the natural areas....
The city’s green necklace – ongoing

The city’s green necklace – ongoing

Network of green spaces Status: near completion  The project situates in a previously built park that has been locked and unmanaged for a long time.  The fences and locked gates will be cut to make it accessible. The project sculpts a serpentine path that begins as a...
Across the street

Across the street

Status: Completed   A small plot across the street will be revamped through this project, a necklace of green spaces to improve connectivity and sightlines. This site was fenced and locked for a long time. Two soft mounds are laid after removing the iron bars and...
Food forest – Upcoming

Food forest – Upcoming

This part of the land lies towards the end of the proposed site where we are going to create a food forest as an extension of the neighborhood park. Reckless development, road expansion, industrial processes of extraction, production, and consumption have detracted...